I am generally not one to subscribe to the idea of a guidebook. I find that my ideas/tastes are sometimes different than those of the writers and I end up spending my precious time in a new location discovering someone else's idea of what is interesting. In addition, the guidebooks generally present much more information than I have time-- or desire-- to read (I don't have that much information about my hometown!) and I then have to lug all 200+ pages in my handbag while I travel. All that said, there is one guidebook that I readily recommend to everyone who asks. It is the TimeOut Paris guide, an annual publication available for $6.95 (7.99 euros). Inside, the magazine presents a detailed description, along with contact information and updated hours. It's all broken down into five basic categories:
- Sightseeing (by area)
- Consuming (restaurants, cafes, and bars)
- Arts & Leisure (cabaret, children's activities, music, nightlife, etc.)
- Hotels
- Essentials (resources and emergency information)
In addition, the back pages contain a full-page size metro map for easy viewing, a separate map showing the layout of the arrondisements in Paris, and more specific street-maps to be found on the pages describing the area they represent. The magazine is well layed-out, lightweight, informative, and generally well-written.
If you are looking for a keepsake, I recommend buying the TimeOut guide and a separate book of photography after you return (that way it doesn't add to your luggage weight on the return trip!). Either way, be sure to have this handy when you step off the plane. It will leave you informed, save you time, and keep you from needing a chiropractor's appointment after your trip!
Note: There is a separate TimeOut Paris book, which covers the same information, but costs more and is heavier to carry around. I prefer the magazine.